Bathymetric & seabed mapping survey system Bathyswath-2
Frequency 117kHz / 234kHz / 468kHz
浅水域水文测量; 航海图绘制; 环境监测;疏浚作业 /
河道、港口、湖泊、大坝管理; 海洋考古 /
沉船定位; 海洋土木工程检测; 管道和线缆路径勘测及监测 /
船体监测; 港口安全; 军用快速环境评估
浅水域水文测量; 航海图绘制; 环境监测;疏浚作业 /
河道、港口、湖泊、大坝管理; 海洋考古 /
沉船定位; 海洋土木工程检测; 管道和线缆路径勘测及监测 /
船体监测; 港口安全; 军用快速环境评估
PRE:None NEXT:StarFish Sidescan Sonars
Bathyswath is a comprehensive bathymetric & seabed mapping survey system, derived from the established & respected SWATHplus system, which became Bathyswath 1. Bathyswath 2 is the latest generation of our bathymetric systems.
You will not find lower prices for a similar quality (IHO standards compliant, bathymetry and sidescan).
- Bathyswath uses wide swath widths, this increases survey speeds significantly, especially in shallow water.
- It has 3 frequencies: 1 1 7, 234 or 468 kHz to be used respectively up to 350, 200 & 80m of water depth.
- The US Geological Survey (USGS) said: “Operating swath of the bathymetric system ranged from 15 to 20 times water depth in in depths less than 15m”
Bathyswath-2-STD Bathyswath-2-UW Bathyswath-2-OEM Standard Underwater Original Equipment Manufacturer Transducers 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 3 Transducer extension cables 1 to 3 option option Transducer mounting bracket Yes Yes option Transducer Interface Unit IP 67 Deck Unit [DU] orYes No No Subsea Unit [SU]No Yes No Bare boards
No No Yes Ekinox-E Inertial Navigation System [INS] option option option MiniSVS Sound Velocity Sensor (SVS) option option option Umbilical cable No Yes No Spider cable (Connections to PC & Power) Yes Yes option Bathyswath software (data acquisition, processing & 3D visualisation; unlimited licenses) Yes Yes Yes Rugged transit cases Yes Yes No 12 month return-to-base warranty Yes Yes Yes PicoMBES gapfiller Sonar option option option
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Beijing Hydrosurvey Sci.&Tech. Co., Ltd.
ADR.:No.13 LiYeLu Road,Beijing,China
TEL: +86-10-57197273 57127320