AC-CESS AC-ROV Delivered to Chinese Power Station

AC-CESS AC-ROV Delivered to Chinese PowerStation

UKbased micro ROV manufacturer AC-CESS deliver the market leading AC-ROV 100 toits Chinese distributor Beijing Hydrosurvey Science & Technology.

BeijingHydrosurvey confirmed the sale of the AC-ROV to Pushihe Power Station afterthey identified the AC-ROV as the most suitable micro submersible followinganalysis of the ROV market. Stella Jiang from Beijing Hydrosurvey said “themobility and single operator benefits of the AC-ROV where a deciding factors inthe purchasing decision between them and Pushihe Power Staion representatives”.

Boughtfor the visual inspection of the dam walls represents the AC-ROV’s continuedpenetration of diverse and demanding market.



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Beijing Hydrosurvey Sci.&Tech. Co., Ltd.

ADR.:No.13 LiYeLu Road,Beijing,China

TEL:  +86-10-57197273 57127320 
